A beautiful woman is smiling after VI Peel treatment.

VI Peel

Home » VI Peel

What can a VI peel treat?

At Manhattan Medspa, we offer the VI peel as a hyperpigmentation treatment that can improve conditions such as acne, melasma, and sun-damaged skin. These are common issues for patients looking to clear and smooth their skin’s texture and tone for a more healthy, glowing, and youthful appearance. If you live in the Manhattan, New York area and want to improve your skin, it may be time to ask our team of doctors and medical professionals about the VI peel.

What is the VI peel?

The VI peel is an innovative chemical peel that combines powerful ingredients to help reduce the appearance of both fine lines and wrinkles while also addressing skin discoloration. The formula used in this peel can improve skin texture, tone, clarity, and evenness while stimulating collagen production for improved elasticity.

The VI peel works by breaking down proteins on the surface layer of your skin, which helps to exfoliate away dead cells and reveal younger-looking skin underneath. Unlike traditional chemical peels, which are composed of a single acid, the VI peel contains several different acids such as salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Retin-A, Phenol, and Vitamin C for more comprehensive results.

Who is a proper candidate for the VI peel?

The VI peel is safe for all patient skin types and tones with minimal risk of side effects and discomfort. Ideal candidates for the VI peel typically show signs of sun damage, uneven skin tone or texture, dark spots, wrinkles, acne scarring, and other skin discolorations.

What are the advantages of the VI peel at Manhattan Medspa?

The VI peel is an excellent option for those looking to achieve smoother, more even-toned skin without undergoing invasive surgery or taking drastic measures such as laser treatments. The procedure is quick and results in little to no downtime, with many patients seeing visible improvement within one week following their treatment.

Find out if you are a proper candidate for this or other skin services at our office!

If you want to learn more about the VI peel, contact Manhattan Medspa today to schedule an appointment! Our experienced team can help determine if this treatment is right for you! The office is at 112 East 23rd Street on the 4th floor in Manhattan, NY, and can be reached by calling (212) 729-5797 to request a visit.

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